A friend of mine just sent me a three word email. It simply said, Are you happy?
And my initial, gut response surprised me. Yes. Very much so.
I have a beautiful little boy who makes my whole world light up.
I have a husband who is one of the most just, kind and helpful men I know.
I am waiting on a little baby to join our incredible family.
I am loved, I am unique.
I have a place in this world, and I have a purpose.
I see God at work around me in every situation that I face.
I’m not alone.
I have friends that I can rely on, and a church that I belong to.
I am going places, I have a future and it is bright.
Truthfully, it is the first time that I have felt confident in responding like that in quite some time. Perhaps four years. And the fact that I felt such peace and confidence surprised me.
It makes me wonder whether the stress and the lack of time with my family to study is really worth it. There is no way I felt like this last year. And yes, I am far behind with my studies this semester, but heck, I’m happy!
So who cares if it takes me five or six years to finish a three year degree. I am happy. My family is happy. We are healthy. We have fun. We are together and totally in love with each other. I love living like this. This is life to the full, and this is what Jesus called us to live.