Seeing as we haven’t updated in 3 months, I’m going to attempt to fit 3 months into a short 5 minutes to get everyone up to speed!
First, we had Christmas. An interesting event, Christmas dinner was at our place, which we had lots of fun preparing and hosting. Then a few days later, it flooded in forest hill! Of course, up north was flooding during Christmas, so that wasn’t so much fun, unless you went swimming/fishing in the banana paddocks.
Due to the flooding, we had to leave for our trip to Nth QLD earlier, and then got stuck up North! Which was when it flooded back home, and we couldn’t get back. While this did dampen our Cairns holiday at the resort, it was still lots of fun with 2 full car loads, 17 people if we remember right. Nathan started learning to swim too!
So eventually the water went down, and we could return to Forest Hill and Blenheim. What a relief, the water had lapped the underside of the floorboards at the Watsons, but not entered the main house. Unfortunately the 3 rooms downstairs got gutted, as did the shed and even a car. Still, that’s what insurance is for right!
Shortly after, we jumped on a jet plane with Jess and Bunsom to go to NZ for Stu and Jo’s wedding! What an amazing time we had. Camping next to beautiful lakes, swimming in hot springs, and taking lots of photos. Nathan even learnt not to complain when he had people sitting next to him in the car!
Arriving back in QLD we got thrown into turmoil as UQ informed us that Sara’s placement was on the Sunshine Coast!! 3 hrs just to get to uni 4 days as week wasn’t going to happen! After some frantic phone calls, Griffith told her to come to Uni the next day, as they had already started her course and they’d sort out her enrolment later! What a God send they were, they assistance with everything, even though she’d missed almost a full week of their intensive course! And even more of a God thing, was it meant her placement would be in Toowoomba, finally we could move to where our amazing church is, and also could share a house with Jess and Bunsom saving everyone money, and getting a much nicer house.
The house hunt was a long hard one, with a number of applications being submitted, and no response. Eventually though, God showed us the House he had set aside for us, across the road from the Uni!! No worries of buses for uni, we can just walk out our door, cross the road and we are at uni! And it’s a decent sized house with enough privacy for the 2 families, plus extra room for when people visit.
Which brings us to now. Uni has been back for almost half a semester, and we are enjoying being in Toowoomba, especially as it means we can properly be part of our church, including being in the worship team. We do miss the country, but at least it’s not a giant city!
And that’s taken me 10 minutes to write, so hopefully only 5 minutes for you to read! More current stuff to come soon.